SOON Movement Global is a ministry of the global movement of Campus Crusade for Christ International and an interdenominational ministry committed to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ everywhere.
OUR VISION. Our vision is for every campus, community, and the world to be transformed with the gospel of Jesus Christ through the Korean/Asian American movement. |
OUR MISSION. Our mission is helping to fulfill the Great Commission through the power of the Holy Spirit by winning, building, and sending spirit-filled disciples everywhere. |
We are dedicated to working together with millions of Christian individuals, churches, and organizations all over the world.
Youth Higher Calling is SOON Movement’s annual winter conference.
It is a place where High and Jr High students can personally encounter God, be equipped to share their faith with others, and be mobilized to reach their classmates, their places of work, and the world for Jesus Christ.
In other words, it is a place where students find their purpose, mission, and vision for their lives by meeting God in the most personal way.
Win the Campus Today Win the World Tomorrow